The Best Indoor Plants for Your Space

Adding an indoor plant or two to your space can greatly improve its aesthetic value and even have notable health benefits. Since there are so many amazing options for indoor plants that might suit different people for different reasons, it’s important to determine some key details about your situation before you commit to bringing in, and caring for, an indoor plant.

High Lights vs. Low Light Plants 

One of the most notable differences among various types of indoor plants is the need for different amounts of light. High-light plants require a lot of light to stay healthy, while low-light plants don’t need very much. Therefore, your choice between a high-light or a low-light plant may depend on placement, such as on a windowsill or in a corner.

In order to make sure that your plant is getting enough light, you can invest in a light meter, which is inexpensive. In many cases, full-spectrum indoor lighting is enough to keep a low-light plant healthy with little to no sun exposure.

Choosing a Plant That’s Pet-Friendly 

As a pet owner, you have more to worry about than the amount of light your indoor plant will need. When you’re choosing your plant, a major consideration is whether any part of the plant will be within reach of your pet. This includes fallen leaves and flowers that your pet could accidentally eat.

If you have pets, avoid bringing plants that could be toxic into the house at all. If you absolutely have to have one in your house, make sure that it is well out of reach. It’s imperative to monitor your pet when they’re in the same room as a toxic plant, too. A curious pet might be more creative than you’d think, which could lead to accidental poisoning or death.

If there is any chance of your pet eating, licking, or even sniffing an indoor plant that could be toxic to them, it’s usually not worth the risk to bring it home.

Why Do Pets Eat House Plants? 

As a pet owner, you know that your dog or cat can sometimes behave in silly, odd ways, such as eating seemingly random items like grass, or the leaves of your indoor plant. However, there is a reason for this behavior. Dogs, in particular, will often eat plant life to soothe an upset stomach or digestive issues, and both dogs and cats are known to chew out of simple boredom.

What Types of Plants Are Toxic to Pets? 

If you’re not already an avid house plant owner, you may not be aware that even some of the most common house plants can be highly toxic to dogs and cats, including:

  • Aloe
  • Begonia
  • Philodendron
  • Monstera
  • Alocasia/Colocasia
  • Syngonium

Check out this full list of indoor and outdoor plants and trees that could be dangerous to your beloved pet. For the sake of your indoor plant’s health, it’s crucial to choose a type that you can care for properly. And, for the sake of your pet’s health, make sure your choice won’t make them sick.

While you're at it, check out Plants on Broadway for assistance in keeping your plants healthy!


