Getting Rid of Indoor Plant Bugs and Insects

Spring may be in full swing, but that doesn’t mean that your indoor plants are flourishing. You might have plenty of water, soil, and sunlight resources. But if your indoor greenery is floppy and/or lifeless, infestation might be the issue.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to reduce pests, and bring your indoor plants to their former glory. Read on to learn how.

Defensive Measures

Plant pests come in all forms; some of the most common include aphids, fruit flies, scales, and mites. Many times, understanding the type of pest you're dealing with is the first step in getting rid of it. The first point of call for decreasing most infestations is good old-fashioned water.

Mix warm water with a little dish soap. You can either wipe the leaves with the solution, or put the solution in a spray bottle and treat your plants that way. While you're at it, be sure to check the base of the plant for critters as well. 

Another defense against pests is vinegar, which is readily available in most kitchens. Vegetable oil, chilis, beer, and garlic are also useful as natural lines of defense against plant pests. But before slathering your plants in garlic or hot pepper spray, do your research and exercise caution. Smaller amounts are always more effective, and they won't harm delicate house plants.

If home remedies don't work, ready-made options might. They're readily available from most major retailers (both in store and online) and have a long shelf life. But be careful when using these sprays or liquids. Many could be toxic to pets and children, so be sure to read the labels and follow directions for application. 

Take the Offense

When it comes to pests and indoor plants, there are times during which the best defense is offense. In other words, you don’t have to wait for the pests to come to you. Instead, do a careful check of the plant before bringing it home.

If you're in a garden center and you see a plant you like, be sure to thoroughly check for pests or signs of disease. Keep an eye out for discoloration, dropping leaves, or rot. Also carefully examine the soil for eggs, and look at the underside of leaves. Doing this in-store helps ensure you won't bring dangerous pests home with the plant. Once you get your greenery home, wipe down the leaves, do another soil check, and quarantine them for a week to be sure they aren’t harboring any nasty, hidden fugitives. 

Indoor plants are a brilliant way to add personality to your home. They help boost your indoor air quality, while being undeniably pleasing to look at. Keep your green friends happy and healthy by keeping an eye out for pests, and eliminating them if and when you find them. For additional information on indoor plants of all kinds, visit Plants on Broadway.
